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St John's (Mairangi Bay)

87A Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630 9 4787734
These lists have been supplied and approved by your school.  If you have any queries in regards to specific items on these lists please ask your school.

Note from St John's (Mairangi Bay):

Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome to the 2025 school year.

The 1st day of school is our 'Interview Day' on Mon 3rd February

Caregivers are invited to book an appointment to meet your child's teacher & share your aspirations for your child in 2025 & any other valuable information with them.  Your child is required to attend this interview wearing school uniform. Bookings can be made at  Please refer to the 10th December 2024 school newsletter ( for the case sensitive code.

The 1st full day of classes is Tues 4th February.  The school day starts at 8.50am

All children should have:

  • Swimming costume, towel(s) & goggles every day
  • Full PE gear at school every day (including running shoes)
  • Large water bottle.
  • School Hats are compulsory for Term 1

It is VITAL that all items your child brings to school, are clearly named.

Thank you.

What would you like to do?